City bleeds green pride

(Thanks to the QT and Sarah Harvey) THE Ipswich region’s sporting pride will be on show this weekend with fans rewarded for dressing in green.

Fans can join the “Green Legion” at tonight’s National Premier League football match at Bundamba and tomorrow’s Queensland Cup rugby league game at North Ipswich.

Wear a green shirt and you get to see the state matches for free.

Western Pride face Central Queensland at 7.30pm tonight at Ipswich Knights ground on Brisbane Road.

The Jets tackle Tweed Heads at the North Ipswich Reserve tomorrow (2pm).

The concept is backed by the Ipswich Sports House and Ipswich City Council.

The aim of the Ipswich “Green Legion” is to create a regional fan base who follow the new slogan: “When we bleed, we bleed green”.

Ipswich Sports House executive officer Troy McGrath said “Green Legion is a great new social way to get behind Ipswich’s best sporting teams and connect with like-minded mates through a unique sports experience.”

“The logo (left) encompasses the iconic green and gold as seen in many of our city’s club and team colours, logos and jerseys.

“The inclusion of a helmet style design symbolising an army of followers, whilst the mane of the helmet flows like to the mighty Bremer River that flows through the city.”

Fans who join the Ipswich Green Legion can share in a number of membership benefits, including cheaper season passes and special offers.

The new concept also provides additional opportunities to advertise and promote sport and services.

For more information, visit