Ipswich Jets mission to discover next Allan Langer

THE search for the next Allan Langer has begun.

The Ipswich Jets have launched ‘Project Alf’ in a quest to find the next player of the calibre of the former Jets and Broncos superstar.

The project will see Ipswich Jets’ full-time development officer Brendon Lindsay involved with all Ipswich junior clubs in a program designed to unearth another Langer.

Langer was unique. But he rose to the greatest heights from humble beginnings.

Born and raised in Ipswich, Langer played his junior footy at Norths Tigers and from there became one of the greatest players the game has known.

Langer has given the Jets the green light to pursue the project in his name.

Ipswich Jets CEO Wayne Wendt said Ipswich had been “one of the best markets in Queensland” for producing talent.

From Noel Kelly through to Langer, Peter Ryan and Kerrod, Steve and Kevin Walters and many others, that has proved to be the case.

“So our project for the next season or two is to find the next Alfie Langer or the next two or three Alfie Langers,” Wendt said.

“We want them to step up in the local comp, come along to the Ipswich Jets and then hopefully move on to the Brisbane Broncos to play. We feel special that we have signed a three-year deal with the Brisbane Broncos.

“So now I have said to Brendon Lindsay that I want to have a contractual relationship with each of the 13 junior clubs in Ipswich.

“Brendon is going to go out and provide coaching expertise to each of the clubs and two players from each (junior) club will win Project Alf awards and come to our home games and lead the teams out.

“You wouldn’t find a better guy than Brendon to do this. He is passionate and well respected in the Ipswich rugby league community.

“I would like to also think we can get Alf out here and do something special for us.

“The beauty of this is that it is not just a one-year thing.

“We are trying to promote the players in our region, and that goes from Redbank through to Laidley and out to Fassifern.”

Wendt said each of the 13 junior clubs would receive 25 free double passes to the 12 Jets home games next year, access to Canterbury clothing discounts and be given a Jets jersey to raffle.

Lindsay says the talent is out there and that finding the next Langer is achievable.

“It is about making sure we identify those type of kids and create a pathway for where they want to go,” he said.

“Alfie is still a very big part of the community and everyone knows who Alfie Langer is.

“It is about making sure these kids are dedicated, have some goals and work hard to try and achieve them.”

Project Alf

  • Development officer Brendon Lindsay to lead the search.
  • Allan Langer has given his approval to project.
  • Jets to sign contracts with all Ipswich junior clubs.

Thanks to QT and Joel Gould
